Monday, May 9, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011


holaaaaa, it is May already ;-)
i haven't been able (&available :D) to update the blog, since tremendous amount of things need to be done.
Mostly work related (i know, blaaaahhh) hihihi.

But alot of things zings zings (read : travel back and forth) in my mind. Designs related. and it annoys me so much that only a little thing that i really can pour into reality. I need more time.
Being a single fighter in the project is fun, since all the ideas and all the plan come from MOI (hahahaha) - and husband ;P but.... all the hectic part is also mine & mine alone.

I keep my spirit high though! This is the season of blooming flowies & Sunny Weather and all the fun activity. I just need to gear up and speed up the speed!! Can Do!!

What a fun Monday....kisses

Pending Project:
weightloss program :D hahahaha

i put the picture of my monday office working table, messy, i know :)